Prof. Jassem AJAKA
Physicist and Economist

Role of the Roper resonance in the eta-meson photoproduction

J Ajaka, F Tabakin, P Hoffmann-Rothe, B Saghai, 1995, Role of the Roper resonance in the eta-meson photoproduction, DAPNIA-SPHN-95-034, SCAN-9603118

All sixteen observables for the reaction gamma + p –> eta + p have been investigated from threshold up to 1.2 GeV. The formalism is based on an isobar model. In this approach electric and magnetic multipole amplitudes are expressed in terms of various isospin-1/2 nucleonic resonances plus a smooth background including S and P waves. The resonances are described by energy dependent relativistic Breit-Wigner forms. The background arises mainly from the nucleon pole diagrams, and possibly at higher energies from t-channel vector meson exchange processes.

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