Prof. Jassem AJAKA
Physicist and Economist

Beam Polarisation Asymmetries in Meson Photoproduction at Graal

Beam Polarisation Asymmetries in Meson Photoproduction at Graal

J. Ajaka, et al., 1999, Beam polarization asymmetries in meson photoproduction at Graal, Published in Few Body Syst.Suppl. 11 (1999) 216-221, Given at the Joint ECT* / TJNAF Workshop on N* Physics and Nonperturbative QCD, 18-29 May 1998. Trento, Italy, CNUM: C98-05-18.2


Part of the Few-Body Systems book series (FEWBODY, volume 11)


Meson photoproduction on the nucleon has been a major source of information on the N and Δ resonances and the transition matrix elements from the nucleon ground state to its excited states.



Publisher Name Springer, Vienna

Print ISBN 978-3-7091-7410-4

Online ISBN 978-3-7091-6800-4